Monkey Place is a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that provides access to the users endpoint of the WordPress REST API. The WordPress REST API allows third-party applications to interact with WordPress sites, enabling the development of custom integrations and applications.

The users endpoint returns a collection of users registered on a WordPress site. It is a useful resource for developers who need to access user data or manage user accounts programmatically.

The endpoint can be accessed using HTTP requests. To retrieve user data, a GET request can be sent to the endpoint. The response will be a JSON object containing an array of user objects.

Each user object contains various user data such as their username, email address, display name, and user ID.


To retrieve user data for a specific user, a GET request can be sent to the endpoint with the user ID included in the URL. For example, to retrieve user data for a user with an ID of 1, the following URL can be used:

To retrieve a list of all users registered on a WordPress site, a GET request can be sent to the endpoint without any additional parameters. For example:


Access to the users endpoint requires authentication. Authentication can be achieved using a variety of methods, including OAuth, Basic Auth, and cookie-based authentication.

Developers should ensure that appropriate security measures are in place when interacting with the WordPress REST API. This includes using secure authentication methods and validating user input to prevent attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.


The users endpoint of the WordPress REST API provides developers with a simple way to access user data and manage user accounts programmatically. By using this endpoint, developers can create custom integrations and applications that interact with WordPress sites more effectively.

However, it is important to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place when interacting with the WordPress REST API to prevent attacks. With careful development and testing, the WordPress REST API can be a powerful tool for developers building custom integrations and applications.